Sunday, December 30, 2007

At long last!

I have finally obtained a tablet~ <3
Now all I have to do is find a way to get photoshop on the computer. xD

Cheryl is happy.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Janelle Essay Inc.

Orphan Pinochle says: Hey, what's this page all about? *twitch* ARE YOU LOOKING AT SAFE THINGS!? *twitch* I sure hope you are.

All About Janelle
You can know a person for most of your life, and stil not really "know" them. Simple questions that people ask you about your friends like "What’s their favourite food?", or "Where were they born?", seem to stump a lot of us. This really shows that people seem to forget about the little things when it comes to their friends. A lot of the time, we’re quite ignorant of their past and most of the people in their life. People always enjoy telling all their friends their life stories, because a lot of people don’t know it. Recently, I’d discovered that Janelle, a friend of mine, had many things about here that I didn’t know.
Like most life stories, I’m going to start at the beginning: The major events start when Janelle was born on October 14, 1991. Incidentally, her bother gave birth to her in their very house, right in the bathroom. One of the facts of her history that many of her friends are actually aware of, is that her parents were (or are?) hippies. When she was three years old, her dad built a house which they lived in for a few years until her parents got a divorce. Janelle says that at such a young age, it didn’t affect her too much. A bit into the future, she was only six years old when she fell back on her chair and landed smack dab on a hard surface and cracked her head open. The scars are still visible on her scalp if you know where to look. However, that didn’t seem to put back Janelle at all, as she was off to Disney land at eight years old. However, things started going a bit downhilll when it came to her new mom’s boyfriend, Ray. Apparently, he has psychosis and didn’t take being dumped very well. From Janelle’s tenth to thirteenth year, he stalked her and her mom until she finally got a new boyfriend. Her experiences have certainly been varied!
Everyone has people in their life that have influenced them. The people that are close to you help shape who you are today. For Janelle,

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Not as I do by Alaena Night

Chapter from: Snippets and Snapshots

Notes: Because I was thinking that Knives is right. Poor Vash really is one big contradiction in some ways.


Do as I say, not as I do.

It's a phrase that fits him so well. He says that people shouldn't be alone, and yet the isolation he forces on himself is the most painful sort of loneliness. He says, "Settle down," but has damned himself to a life of wandering. He protects innocence even as his own burns away with his agonized tears.

"Don't cry," he says...but I hear him at night.

To him, suicide is a horrible thing, yet it's his body that takes the bullets for those he tries to protect, his life that is torn away with each passing year. He always says that the ticket to the future is blank. Why, then, does his past control his life?

Forgive, he says, and yet each of his sins is a knife that cuts away at his heart.

I know he smiles...and I know that he does look toward the future, but the pains he forces himself to bear make me want to take them for him and hold them no matter the weight. To work together and to share one's burdens—though that man encourages both, he exercises neither.

"Love and Peace!" he says, but he denies them to himself in order to give them to others.

I love him, yet I hate him for what he's doing to himself. All I can do is watch as he smiles his empty smiles and as the light of life fades from his eyes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quotes from xD

Memory feeds imagination.
Amy Tan

Even the best of friends need time apart.
Mark Heath

You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough.
Joe E. Lewis

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
Leo Tolstoy

We cannot deny the facts of nature, but we should certainly try to improve on them.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The world wants to be deceived.
Sebastian Brant

I give myself, sometimes, admirable advice, but I am incapable of taking it.
Mary Montagu

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
Thomas A. Edison

I am certain there is too much certainty in the world.
Michael Crichton

It is better, of course, to know useless things than to know nothing.

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
Oscar Wilde

Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.
Eddie Rickenbacker

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.
Will Rogers

The only place you will be accepted is the place you make for yourself.
Holly Lisle,

It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
W. Somerset Maugham

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
Joseph Conrad

The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.
P. B. Medawar

I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life.
George Burns

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.

Sometimes when I am driving I get so angry at inconsiderate drivers that I want to scream at them. But then I remember how insignificant that is, and I thank God that I have a car and my health and gas. That was phrased wrong - normally you wouldn't say, thank God I have gas.
Ellen DeGeneres

Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.
Louis L'Amour

The more laws and order are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.

Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people.
Kin Hubbard

Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.
G. K. Chesterton

If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
John Lennon

Friday, November 23, 2007

Quotes Link


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Science and Christmas Drama, etc~

I haven't written in awhile, so an update is in dire need!
First of all, it smells. UGH.
Vanessa just finished painting the bathroom, and it reeks! -plugs nose-
I just finished watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, even though I didn't make it to the end of the movie. It seemed pretty long, and I started to yawn. I was watching it in Amanda's room. xp I'm surprised at how much older Dick Van Dyke is in this movie compared to Mary Poppins!
Daniella was over tonight to do the video for Biology. African Sleeping Disease/Sickness. It's the crappiest, shortest video I've ever seen. Oh well. We'll have a crappy poster to go along with it. (Once I find a glue stick...)
I was over at Daniella's yesterday too, but we didn't get anything done because we thought Crislana was coming over. She got held up though, so I ended up playing the doctor role instead of her. I found out that Daniella lives quite close! Hahah.
Yearbook is going UGH. I'll have to get some more pictures for my art page and such. I don't know what's happening with the mug pages that I have...oh well.
I hope I don't get yelled at too much for my report card. I got my Biology mark up! I just need to work on that Chemistry project that was due Monday...we just had test, too. Now we're going onto the essay unit in English. Ugh. I almost wish for Shakespear again. Lawl. Even if it WAS kinda...dull.
I've done some Christmas shopping, and all I have left is the three sisters and Marlene. I would've had Laura done, but she went out and bought the thing we got her. -sigh-
Golden Compass is coming out on December 7th! I hope they did a better job of it than Eragon. Ughhhh. That was crappy.
I finished reading Valiant. It was quite different than Tithe, but still pretty good! I really want to read Iron side. I even found out that Extras, the FOURTH book to the uglies TRILOGY, (Yeah, I know.) was good too. Even if Tally wasn't the main character this time...she gets back together with David! I bought the two latet Fruits Basket books. Now I just have to save up some money...I got paid yesterday! Hm. Maybe I'll have $300 now if I'm lucky? Hah. And Thuy Vi STILL Has to give me back my diary...
AND I need to get my sketchbook back from Mr. Egan. GAH. -shot-
I went back to gaia! Stupid, I know. Oh well. Jenny finally got her anklets back since skittles gave them to her. And I actually BOUGHT MC's!! I know. -smacks head- Hopefully I won't be tempted again. A waste of money, but at the time I was so happy. I could've bought 2 books with that...
I really need to upload the Aquarium pictures from my camera so I can delete everything. UGh. I LOST the pictures from Halloween and my grandma's place! -sobs- I totally deleted them by accident!
Danh visited the school last Friday. Hah. That was interesting.
Tu got an interview at the Face Shop in Central City! I don't think they've called her back yet, but I hope she gest the would be nice to see her more out of school.
I still want to see Passion of the Christ one day soon...
I tried to read my bible, and read a bit of the book Daniel. The pastor makes it SO much easier to understand. I hadn't realized how difficult the Bible was to read until now. WOOSH! Over the head. xp And I suppose I'll be going across the street tomorrow at lunch for our meeting. I wonder what snacks Ms. Green will bring this time? o; Kekeke.
I should remember to bring Dana the fruits basket and her Obsession back. The first Ted Dekker book I wasn't hooked on. I REALLY want to read Thr3e though! Blahh.
I got some new jeans at Urban behaviour, and Winners. I was supposed to have one more from UB, but they fit Vanessa. (Even though they were the same size as the other 2. xp) Oh well. She seems to like them, so that's more money I've saved. Hahah. Although on the day of the salke, that store was a made house in Metrotown. REAL shopping. (Or more like digging)
I can't think of what to say now...and I thought there was so much, too! I'll remember it afterwads, probably. Figures.
Anyways, I guess that's all for now then. I'll do another entry if something else pops in my head.
Bye bye~


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Drama~

I've had an interesting week.
Our parents are still in Mexico. Even though we still can't figure out what the heck that weird voice message we got mentioning Saskatchewan is...
I didn't dress up or go tricker treating. Boo hoo.
But before halloween, there was Janelle's Bday/Halloween party.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Death Note + TED DEKKER = <33333

Okay, total opposites-but still.
I've just finished "Showdown" by Ted Dekker like...15 minutes ago. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
If you're a fan of his, you'll know what I mean. You don't even have to be religious to appreciate it. He's that good.
Anywho, Samuel=superawesome. The most amazing kid I've ever heard of, fictional or not. Mind you, I guess he'd have to be since I suspect he symbolizes Jesus. <3
But the whole unresolved where-is-black kind of unsettles me. He better not be alive still! D< Stuipd Marsuvees...and he's not even the original. PAH!
I'm now buying Cheyenn's Fruits Basket set 2-13 for $9, and 14-16 for $10. ;D Her first one isn't in very good condition, apparently. O;
Half now, half after Christmas. when I'm not broke. xDDD

Anyways, on to Death Note now. L is a hero. LIGHT IS EVIL AND NOW I DESPISE HIS FICTIONAL EXISTENCE!
Now that that's out...
L wiped and massaged Light's feet knowing that he was going to do, and suspecting that Light was Kira, and so we would be his murderer.
That in itself renders me amazed.
I almost didn't continue the series after he died.

Oh. And now I'm talking to Cheyenne about religious aspects, and getting her view points.


Saturday, October 6, 2007


= all you can eat Japanese. ;D
The most rushed meal I have ever had. I think the same goes with Dana.
But it was gooooddd~
[Though I never got my beef teriyaki. D: D:]

I need to boost my Bio and Chem marks. English is going well. I have no IDEA what's going on with yearbook. -dies-
DJ is going to youth now! Shocking, huh?
I have to get Teresa in there now..
Jessica's as enthusiastic as always~
-reads fanfiction-

So Jess's B-day is coming up soon.
DJ and Jess wannt me to go to DJ's house Monday to watch a movie and hang out.
And yeah.
That's all .
Joshua's dedication was last weekend. Michelle died her hair a lighter brown, with blonde-ish streaks.

Annnnd~ I finally read the Hana Kimi volumes I skipped. Go-ood.


Friday, October 5, 2007


PLEASE let me get a pass on this assignment.

PLEASE let my parents not yell at me for staying late at school.

And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me get better pictures next time. xp


Oh no. I'm turning into Mary Anne.
The world has come to an end.


Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well let's see.
I haven't typed out Thúy Vi's stuff yet...
But I will soon.

Still haven't done any of MY homework.
Need to get that Bio project done with Crislana.
Mmm...NEED to get pics of grade 8's for the divider for yearbook. xp
I got a good mark on my Chemistry test.
Sucky one on my bio [for not taking the notes and missing a day]
And that's about it. ;D

Saw Sidney White with Jess, DJ and Cam. It was okay.
Went to Langley to look in Michael's for materials with Crislana.
o; We caught soaked in the rain. >>
Talked to Michelle on the phone today. Joshua's dedication is coming up...
STILL have to do that background for Queen Mab...
Newspaper thing is at a standstill kind of for now...

I REALLY don't feel like doing anything right now.
If I procrastinate anymore I'm screwed.
As usual.

I still haven't gotten anywhere with White. -sigh- It's so good...
I need to stop eating so much bread. >>
And save more money.

I have under $500 again after this weekend. GAH.

Let's see...cut my hair again.
Couldn't find the red hair dye I was looking for for wacky hair day.
REALLY don't want to wear my PJ pants on Monday.
Forget Formal Day.
Still haven't asked Vanessa if I can borrow her shirt for Twin day...

Need to do that art for scarz on zantarni which I haven't been on in FOREVER.
Theyr'e probably pissed.

EDIT;; Oh yeah, and I went to the Salvation army and bought 3 new books and 3 new disney movies. Swan Princess, SinBad, annnddd....Hercules. Amanda got Jungle Book, Rescuers, and....something else.
They didn't have Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green. D; I don't think I'll ever find it agian.
Took the dog for a walk too.
OH. And Jessica came over and watched the Swan Princess with us. -nods-

Anywho, BYE.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Picking Apart the Lines [Featuring Thúy Vi!]

My friend Thúy Vi. ;D This is a cool picture of her, even though she's giving me that "what the heck do you think you're doing?" look.
But really.
I'll get the grass done soon.
And and.
My homework.
Which I didn't do tonight.
D: D:
But yeah.
Picking Apart the Lines

I read it once.
Feel the emotions swell,
a smile adorning my face.

I read it again,
just to enjoy the rush
one more time.

Each line I store away
inside my mind
where I can enjoy it further.

In it's original state,
it remains whole and pure,

But then the voice is heard.
"Now analyze this poem
and tell me what devices
they used to symbolize this
meaning and what..."

I block it out,
that horrible sound.
It's ruining it!

My heart cracking,
I pick away the beautiful lines.
Simile. Metaphor. Imagery.

Were they really thinking this?
When they wrote this masterpiece,
did they say. "I want to write imagery now."

To me, it will always remain
exactly as it is
And mean exactly what it says.

No separation needed.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

School and Homework and...STUFF

Well, it's back to the routine. Except of course, we're biking to school now. I have an old lock of my own! And the key is on my dresser while the lock is on the gate...I hope. xp
I didn't get Mrs. Truong this year for school, but everyone says Mr. Gossal is good so hopefully it'll be a good semestery for English.
Yearbook I'm still doubtful on. Doesn't seem like my thing. Of course, I can't quite now or Mr. Egan, Mary Anne and everyone else will be on my ass. -hides-
I still have to do that grass for Queen Mab. ><>
I had quite a bit of homework this weekdn. Essay, grammer sheets, vocab from bio, measurement stuff, and this lab experiment thing that I had to make up. Or something.
I FINISHED it. Well...still have to convert some of the measurements I took, but that'll take 2 minutes. [forgot the sheet with the units in her locker] D;
I'm so proud. I've never done that much homework in a weekend before. Unless it was a group project, of course. Then I would in fear of facing the wrath of my fellow group members if I didn't. O.o;;
I've been on zantarni more than gaia lately. I got a decent avatar finally. I really like the mini phoenix wings though, and the black sharlou. <333>
Of course, once I finish Scarz's art, I'll get the pretty bow hopefully. ^^
We went to the night market last night, and this Friday I slept over at Tú's and went to metro. It was fun. I got 3 new bras, 5 new posters, andddd something else...
My phone is reactivated with $20 this time. Well, I think it's down to $15 now. @_@
I got another poster at the night market, 7 Inuyasha keychains, (5 to to give to Thúy Vi for Christmas...she better not read this xp) and a CCS poster. ;D
Amanda and Vanessa each got a precious moments poster. I got Laura a poster of Light Yagami. Lawl. Her and Amanda have both read Death Note.
What can I say, the main but, unfortunately, slightly phsychotic main character is really hot. And smart.
xD <3
I have Miss Yinn for Chem, Mr. Wong for Bio, and next semester I can't remember...Math, Socials with the work experience...
I think I want to apply for somewhere else besides Cobs soon. xp But the question is where! o;
-can't decide-
I might actually have to STUDY this year. Now the school offers these $250 scholarships that automatically get sent to you if you're among the top of your year. I'll have to aim for a 4.0 now..
Anyways, it's getting later and Imma go back on zantarni now.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Okay. I have a LOT to update myself on.
So what haven't I told you so far?
Well. I went WAY over my budget. My dad will kill me. Bye bye money.
I babysat Jennifer Monday morning. It's been awhile since I've seen her, so it was pretty good. ^^ My parents are at the PNE right now.And Jessica and DJ went to the beach. And I...had to work.
-sigh- And I forgot to sign out so if I don't ask somoene to do it for me, I probably won't even get paid. xp I need to be less absent minded...
I wasn't able to go to Michelle's yesterday like I was supposed to. Couldn't get a ride. Ugh. I hope she's not too mad at me. D; D: I really wanted to go...
Laura's sleeping over tonight! <333>
The fair's coming up as well. I hope I do okay there. Last year was alright, but I hated cashier. xp
I still haven't done the grass for Thúy Vi's Queen Mab piece for Mrs. Truong. I really should do that, but I know I won't until I get in trouble for putting it off. -hides-
Gaia event is Sooooo boring. I maxed out my drench-o-meter and I don't feel like pumping. Ugh.
I'm broke, but I want to get some nice art for Jenny and I to put on the thread I'm making for the quest for her anklets. It's about time I started saving up for that. @_@
I'm keeping that new $50 back I got. My parents are paying for half...I think. [I hope]
Too bad we didn't get to go to the night market this summer. I'm so disappointed. They have nice bags there sometimes, and I didn't even get to have bubble tea this year! Oh well.
The lunar eclipse was...last night? The night before, I think. Vanessa and I stayed up all night until after 3am, and watched 3 movies in a row. Well, she did. I watched two, and skipped the second one after half an hour because it was boring. D: Hmph.
DJ came over too, and watched it with us for a little while. xD It was so...odd. Us there in the backyeard, freezing cold and gazing up at they sky. We sure were tired in the morning. But completely wired the night before.
Apparently we woke up my dad twice. Hahaha.
Know what I want to read? Red and White. I read Black, the first book of this awesome new series Amanda discovered. Three Books, Two worlds, one story. ;D It's quite interesting.
Haven't seen Crislana about that school newspaper again yet. I wonder if it will even work out? Hmmm. Oh well. -shrugs-
Jenny didn't end up buying anything for me at the AE so I have $35 to put back in the bank. Ahahah! But I'm like $300 over my budget. xp I'll have to spend nothing out of my next few paychecks and see if i can catch up before my dad finds out. O.o I doubt it though, with my luck.
Anyways, that's a tad of an update for you I suppose. Or for me. Whichever.


A flip of a page
A silent whisper

The flicker of eyes
The intake of breath

Dragons and Maidens
Demons and Faeries
Worlds with eternal life
And eternal strife

A grand adventure
A Happily ever after

A tear
A gasp

Someone calls you
And the pages close

The book falls
Welcome to reality.

Monday, July 16, 2007

WHOA [Back from the dead]

I see I have neglected to update this thing, so I guess I should. First of all, I have a JOB. Yes, it's amazing. Since Vanessa and Amanda are now in Mexico, Cobs needed someone else, so I got a chance for an interview and such. I still had to make a resume though. Oh well, it's a pretty good job. I get paid Tuesday, so then I can finally pay back Tú, DJ, and buy Thúy Vi, Jenny, Michelle, and Tú their B-day presents. >> Wow.
Anyways, so I've been there for two weeks now as a Trainee. Laura visited me yesterday and got 5 free cinnamon buns. xp We have tons of bread in our freezer now. @_@
Joshua is over a month old now as well. I went over to Michelle and Daniel's awhile ago and helped take care of him for a few days. He's a pretty good baby. (Even though I'm still awkward holding him.)
I had to get up at 5:15am today to go to Christine's for a couple of hours and be there while Dante was asleep. I almost fell asleep myself! Oh well, it was an easy $25.
Today Marlene will take me to the library (Finally got a new card) and hopefully to get a haircut.
DJ wants to do something as well, but he doesn't know what. >> Retard. Lawl.
Tú and Thúy Vi came over a few days ago and we played DDR and such. They took some bread with them. xD :3
I really want to go to the night market soon...I saw transformers! It was corny but amusing. Hahha.
Will write more later~


Friday, June 1, 2007

Dream Ranting~

That reminds me. I had the most WEIRD dream last night, and I remembered all of it this morning.It's starting to fade now, but all I remember is that there was this dog that stood up and looked almost like a two-legged person.But somehow it turned into a horse...that I started feeding.And someone was talking about cleaning the right side of the stable thing where I knew they would find something terrible.And then there were I don't know. I had to write them with my name and such for this guy that came. He was an 'alien' persay since he was from somewhere else, but in all aspects he seemed human. My relationship with him was...odd.And then there were these werewolves who had weird bat-like short wings as arms. And then we were running away and ther were these things in the water grabbin us, so that alien guy I knew did something so that there was a certain part they couldn't go, but still reached me. Then while we were in some other place outside there were all these animals that I was taking pictures of.It's all jumbled now.There was also a scene in my house where I always made sure I had tons of flashlights.And that guy was there agian. I have no idea what he looked like, but I always wanted him to come.And when I needed him to come back, I told this girl to get the address to write out the ticket or something that was carved in my parent's bed's headboard.And then there was this baby girl who was crawling all over me.Ew.And yeah...-hides-

One time after reading My Neighbour Totoro I dreamed of my friend Jenny and this guy Julius who I'm kind of aqquainted with.They were doing the same thing as the kids in Totoroa when they were trying to make the trees grow...and all these huge things sprouted from the ground.

one time I had a dream that I was in this convertible with my dad and we were driving down the highway.There was endless fields and hills on the right side (I couldn't see the left side) and then I saw these two people on the side of the road hitchhiking.It was two people from my class, that I didn't really talk to. A guy and a girl. I told my dad to pick them up, so he did.Anyways, then I heard this singing and further up there were tons of people lined up in a row facing each other.Um like. So the line represnts the people and the gap inbetween. Anyways, they were singing some song i knew from church.And we went to join them.There was a lunch moniter on the side of me, and across I could see my friend at the time who was like anti-chrisish so it was kind of ironic. They were all the people I knew or had once known. And yeah...

I hate dreams where you're running from something, but it's like you're moving in slow motion. Like you can't force yourself ot move faster.Or you have no control.I think us humans fear being out of control.I used to always have this dream where as soon as it started I knew I had so long to race down my yard, and then I'd be jumping endless fences until I reached the bottom...I used to have a lot of dreams that took place in my own backyard.Of course, it was my own adventure.Some were scary, others good.So hard to explain..

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Don't Tell

"You're such a good
role model to her", she told me
not knowing about
the missing tasks list
the 20 dollar bill
and the flattened arm rest
She didn't know anything at all.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

"So What?" by Sangeun Ju

People always tell me that I am...
exceptionally dull,
skillfully incapable,
modestly stuck-up,
specially common,
pretty ugly,
tremendously short,
extremely typical,
thoughtfully selfish,
respectfully impolite,
unspeakably loud,
fabulously appalling,
simply difficult,
sincerely dishonest,
positively cynical,
agreeably stubborn,
hellishly pleasant,
precisly wrong,
considerably inconsiderate
timidly over-confident,
remarkably insignificant
certainly unspecific
perfectly imperfect
...and I say, so what?

All that Jazz...

Well, I refused to go to church this morning. Vanessa and Amanda were going to stay for two services, so I stayed home and cleaned the upstairs instead. Vaccuumed everywhere, dusted the living room, and cleaned the bathroom. The dishwasher is going as I speak~
Vanessa and Amanda were obviously upset, but whatever. I'll read my bible instead. xD It's probably about time I did, anyways.
Other than that, I read more of that Breakthrough book I got at the author's conference. There's some really good stuff in there! I'll probably post some of the shorter ones after I finish writing this~
Our parents should be coming home sometime today. Grandpa and Grandma just left to go home, so now I'm alone.
I had fun at metro yesterday, even though we barely got to see Danh. Stupid kid...
Oh well, Teresa bought me lunch at Uncle Willy's and a nice Black Bra. It's 34 C so it doesn't fit as good...I told her it wouldn't fit properly, but she didn't listen! Oh well.
I also got an new poster- Chobits this time. It's a really nice one of both Chi and Dark Chi. ;D
Danh STILL hasn't gotten my a Birthday present. D; He probably never will. -glares-
Puppers is laying outside the window right now. He's so cute~ -is playing on neopets-
Our guild has 47 members now. o.o
I better go before...whatever.



Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hillsong United~ & Metro

Well the concert was pretty fun! ;D It was outside in the Thunderbird stadium at UBC~
Jessica enjoyed it was well, but I was with Laura most of the time down on the ground. They were all up on the bleachers. I jumped, raised my arm and clapped.
Hillsong weren't what I expected them to look like, but when are they ever? xD
They played all the songs I enjoyed, so I'm pretty satisfied. Now I owe $22 to Teresa and counting...
Take it All was the second song they played, but there was a fast one for the end as well. Apparently the band is from Australia. That's why that one guy who talked had an accent...

Anyways, I brought food with me but only ate one thing. I hoarded one of the watter bottles Jessica had, and ate a chocolate bar Laura bought me.
It's too bad Tú couldn't come, she would've really enjoyed herself. (Even if she isn't Christian)
She phoned last night while I was out, forgetting where I was. I called her back this morning around 8:30am.
We didn't get back last night until 11:30 or so...Everyone didn't get into bed until about 12:15~ I was exhausted. Ugh. I expended all my energy. Lawl.
Laura slept over, and so did Grandpa and Grandma. They're across from me as a speak, looking at houses on the computer. I talked to grandma for awhile this morning.
None of us have seen Michelle and Daniel's baby boy yet. And we still have another shower to go to...Joy.
Tú's mom will be picking me up soon so I can go to metro with her and Danh. Tú's little brother and sister will be coming with us too, apparently. She really wants to eat at Uncle Willy's, so I'll be dragged there. Teehee.
Hopefully Danh won't be late like he usually is. He better buy me my birthday present finally! xD
I can't wait until we go to the states. First weekend of June~

Anyways, that's about all for the update.
Haven't been on gaia for awhile, and I'm talking in a NR Guild on neopets. I'm a freak. -rolls eyes-


Thursday, May 24, 2007

"Instant Misery" by Glen Nelson

You won't find this recipe in any cookbook
But chances are you might take a sip
A morsel
A crumb
Or a gourmet meal

Take one set of parents
Carefully divorced
Make sure not to be polite
It spoils the taste

Add one heated arguement
When boiled, sprinkle pain
Emotional is preferred over physical
Let it simmer

Mix with a rainy day
A birthday with no presents
A loss of friends
And lunch alone in the corner

Finally, dip it in fresh heartbreak
Stir until your eyes sting with tears
Indulge in smoking to wash away troubles
Peel your soul and wait for rock bottom

Serves suicidal thoughts for one

Young Author's Conference

Well, I didn't have to go to school for half a day since Thúy Vi, Crislana, Chelsey, Cheyenne, Florentino and I went to this conference thing at a learning center from 12-3pm.
It was alright. One of the ladies talked about 'showing the story' instead of 'telling the story.'
The guy was boring...reliving past events in a boring way. xDD
I regret I didn't go see the other lady instead.
Oh well, there was lemon seed bread, cookies, water and hot chocolate! ;D
I drew a lot, but Mrs. Truong didn't seem to mind.
I better get that English homework done...

Vanessa just headed off to work. She brought some more awesome bread.
Laura's sleeping over tomorrow, and Teresa can't come to the concert. ;-;
I got this neat little notebad with blank paper to scribble and doodle, as well as the book
with all the poems and things that students entered and got credit for.
There was one really freaky dialogue about two friends.

Anyways, that's all for now~!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"How Come?" by ANON

When I was born I was black.
When I grew up I was black.
When I'm sick I'm black.
When I go out in the sun I'm black.
But you:
When you were born you were pink.
When you grow up you are white.
When you get sick you are green.
When you go out in the sun you are red.
When you go out in the cold you are blue.
When you die you'll turn purple.
And you call me coloured???

The Missing Lid~

Just an add on to my last entry. xD
I just finished raking the grass, but before that (Right after I ate dinner) I coudn't find the lid to the container with the left over ribs.
So my sister and I looked all over the kitchen, wondering where the heck it could've disappeared to.
We even looked in my room, the bathroom and the basement! (Yes, Amanda even checked the toilet...)
After many minutes of confusion and laughter, I had a sudden flashback.
'Oh MY GOSH! Amanda!' I exclaimed.
When she inquired as to what it was I remembered, I'm all
'Guess what?'
'You put it in your bag?' (Hahaha, NO!)
'No...but I remembered when I first took the container out.
And there was saran wrap on there, not a lid!'

So the whole time, we were on a wild goose chase searching for a lid that was never out in the first place.

The end~

Gophers, Fish and Joshua! o.o

I was officially an Aunt to Joshua Rafael Carlos at around 5am this morning.
We also went to the cabin and tried to lure the gophers.
Or plan failed, but we saw them anways.
They seem to like Doritos and cheesies. Apples too.
The lake is all the way up! I was amazed!
The fish are spawning too, althought here's not a lot up the creek yet.
I tried to take good pictures of the, but it's hard with the water interefering.
There's still a couple waterfalls farther up, but the huge canyon thing that was going into the lake is completely underwater now.
HILLSONG concert Friday! It's $22, so Teresa lent me the money. I never finished that paperwork on time...
I'm also going to Metro with Teresa and Danh Saturday. (Hopefully)
Our parents aren't going to be back from Sask. until Sunday I think.
Anyways, I need to keep an eye on supper, so that's all for now.

It's a short entry I know.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cabin Tomorrow~

And that paperwork is still sitting on my dad's desk. I'm not supposed to beo n right now. -hides-. Vanessa should be home soon! I hope she brought some good bread that we can take to the cabin tomorrow. Ugh. Dad's PMSing again...arguing about where to pick us up since Amanda will be at Old Yale for her volunteer thing. Geez, making a big deal out of nothing again. Vanessa and Marlene won't be coming, so it'll just be the three of us. Joy. Amanda and I don't even want to go, but after all the arguing, my dad would probably blow if we told him that now. Like Marlene said, while we're their, go outside all day! It'll help to avoid unwanted confrontations. OH!
My meerca changed camouflage! Teehee. Finally something decent.
GAH. I did 37 minutes and something in the 5k today. Ick. Didn't feel like trying after the first 2.5k...Thúy Vi was chastising me again. (I bet she's glaring if she reads this)
Anyways, I finally cleaned up my desk in my room. It was way overdue. I also found some more of Thúy Vi's drawings and put them together in that panda folder. It's getting too fat, I'll have to find a binder to dedicate to her drawings. Lawl. I still need to draw her something good...Ugh.
I just finished watching Smallville. An interesting episode, I must say.
Noooo~ Now Thúy Vi says I have to do math with her! D; D: Ew.
I forgot about that stupid worksheet we got.... >>
I think I handed in yesterday's HW with the other one we handed in today. Now I'll have to do it over again...well the parts I did do anyways. I don't think I finished it. I've been a day behind ever since the test when she gave us all that homework. Hmph.
How many holes are in 'pogo'? FOUR! xD It's retarted, I know. Brandon was talking about this impossible quiz he's taken. I wore Jenny's shirt that she left at our house for PE strip since I forgot mine. Lawl. I guess it came in handy after all.
My driver's licence picture looks stupid. This stupid piece of hair always sticks's so annoying. Oh well.
GAH. Imma go before I get in trouble for being on the computer.



"Looking Closely" by Thúy Vi

[Tú] is a majestic creature, yet holds a touch of
She is a rainbow, but one is rewarded with her
vicious side, as one roams to find the pot of gold.
My friend is a wrap in a delicious candy, but when open,
she is monstrous. So bitter.
Tiny to caress, easy to vex, she's tense.
From Vietnam, chasing the path to Rome, far off
in space to Venus.
She is [one of the] many people who look
But in the monotonous and cheating world, in this
reality, in the human race,
people are all not what they seem.
Tables turn.

What You Don't Know

I did this in English as an in-class assignment.
Step 1: Choose 5 letters of the alphabet.
(C, R, S, L, Y)
Step 2: Choose 5 words for each of the 5 letters. (25 words)
Step 3: Make a free verse poem at least 10 lines long using ALL the words.
(Underlined words)
And this is what I got~

You are a complex person.
So young, yet so secretive.
You yearn to lead a complete life,
but a cynical view and regrets
reach you from yesterday.
You're a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Your soulful eyes lack sincere happiness.
Why do you resist?
A coarse heart will become a dusty relic.
Don't be so sour.
Being reclusive will give you only lonliness.
Your armour needs to become more lenient,
but still have that selective quality.
Hurry, before your spirit turns lethargic.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sticks and Logs

Oh dear.
Look at that stick in your eye,

Why thank you,
I hadn't noticed it.

And you feel satisfied,
for having helped to fix
an imperfection.

So how come you can't see
the log in your own

Fix that first.


Look at him.
Torn, ragged, bloody, beaten.
Look at how his shoulders droop,
his eyes downcast.

He will not stand straight.
He will not admit to his treachery.
The stones will teach him.

And all those people
who believed him.
They should be up there too,
with those other sinners.

Then he spoke.
Though only those who chose
to listen
heard him.

You are forgiven.


i didn't mean to play tag.
maybe i did

but i didn't realize what it meant
back then
i was only eight years old
and she left

my grief was short-lived
my tears quickly dry
as my family
drew into themselves

or at least
what was left of them.

and now
when i look back
i remember that day
as they put her away

and wondered
why i never missed
her touch
her perfume
her smile
her voice

or maybe it's because
i don't really remember.

I only remember
the memories
of the memories

and back then
when we played
at her funeral
i hadn't realized what it meant.

"The Word Game" by Richard Sommer

by this time i am speaking to the reader
who has found his or her way somehow almost
to the end of this book.

anyone else can read this too,
but i am not really talking with them,
i am talking with people

who got here by a beautiful kind of patience
who got here by beautifully understanding
or who got here by a beautiful kind of anger,

listen, i have a suggestion for a game for you.
write a poem in twenty minutes,
like this one was.

don't leave poetry to the poets,
don't try to write a poem,
write one.

just pick up a pencil & write one.

"From the Inside Out" by Alice Van Wart

The person you see
isonly part of me

she is brave
she is free
she lives

I can take her places
she fits in easily
her manners exemplary
parents like her
she lies to talk
she has degrees
and always some man
willing to accomodate
the love she gives
but with discrimination.

The other one
I can't take anywhere
she bitches and swears
sees rain in sun
she cannot love
she is the one
behind the eyes.

"Strike" by Ruth Wilson

My son is trying to
figure out why his
dad has gone from driving to
walking about with a
placard saying more money and
why he
always comes home without any

His dad is trying to
figure out where his
son goes every evening with a
tin cup and his toy monkey and
where the
money on his dresser keeps coming from

And I am trying to
figure out how to
explain the union to the boy and
childhood to the man who
doesn't seem to have had one

"The Abundant Life" by Bonnie Day

There's a factory by the side of the river
busily turning out the things-things-things
and it has goods to produce and deliver
regardless of what the future brings.

So the fish must die and the lake grow fetid,
rimmed by a forest where no bird sings,
and as everyone says, it's to be regretted
but who'd want to do without things-things-things?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Youth and Mother's Day~ [Ranting]

Well, youth was good yesterday. Jessica was able to come and we had a pretty good time. It got all serious in the end, because it was 'Merge.' That meant was from grades 6-12, instead of only grades 9-12. I forgot how short I was back then! Anyways, we 'moshed' and played the game. Amanda's friend came as well as she happened to spot her on our way there. She seemed to enjoy herself! AND there's a Hillsong United concert on the 25th! We only have to pay $22! I really want to go, and Jessica's going to try and convince her parents to let her come. However, it's doubtful because she has a tournament on the same day. Oh well, I hope she can make it.
The only unfortunate thing to happen Friday night was getting the inside of my left knee wrecked somehow. I think it was when we were playing that game where you had to carry the person on your back and they tried to get the pieces of tape off the other people's backs. I ended up carrying Amanda's friend, since they chose our groups. She's not that heavy, but after a few minutes of running around with her I guess I did something wrong or stretched it too much. Now it hurts to straighten my leg all the way or bend it in too much. I hope it doesn't hurt too much when I have to walk to and from school on Monday...
I drove for another hour today. It's kind of like a chore, except with my dad ranting at me the whole time of what to do. I'm not very good at it, but I suppose it'll come with time. Tú finally phoned me back from when I called her this morning. I really wanted to visit her today and have fun, but my dad said I couldn't. He said I should've gone earlier, but she wasn't home. Then I asked why and he's all 'You have other things to do tonight.' At first I was really mad because it seems like he ALWAYS says no when I want to go somewhere, but now I realize it's because I still have to make the cake for Marlene along with Vanessa and Amanda.
Teresa was disappointed as well, but she said "I'll just call Myla then." It's really starting to piss me off because it seems every time we want to get together, she just ends up going with Myla. UGH. I hate it when it seems you're being distanced from your friends... Oh well. Hopefully, I'll be able to visit Jessica tomorrow at least. If not, that's life. I still have to do my 'Take home' math test. I wish she just would've let us take it in class. I don't need homework AND tests at home.
Anyways, my dad gave me a little bit of paperwork to do for some extra money. I'll try to get it done this weekend so I can use half of it to pay for the concert. I'll use the other half for Jenny's late B-day present. We still have to go out one day.
Anyways, I guess that's all I have to say for now. I hope I did okay on my PE Health and English tests. I never was one for studying...and now I have to start getting a resume and reference list together if I want to get a job for this summer. AGH. I wish I could stay a kid forever. No age seems quite right though. You don't have as many freedomes and opportunities when you're younger, but you have more responsibilities and things to do when you're older. And my dad thinks I don't know about the 'real world.' HAH. I just act ignorant.
Until tomorrow~ (Hopefully)

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I said hello to you at the door
But you walked right past,
Your steps just a little fast
And then I saw you no more
A week's gone by, and I said hi,
And forced my hand down
When you didn't turn around.
It looks like you're about to cry.
Years have flown away
When I see your face appear
And hold my breath as you draw near,
As I hear I quiet 'hey.'

Thursday and the 5K (Hey that rhymes! xD)

Chores, shower, laundry, and 5K. English and PE tests tomorrow. I tried to keep up with Helen And Ranvir, and made it with them for 4 laps. I stopped on the fifth one, and ended up finishing with Thúy Vi. Oh well, I'll try to run the whole thing with them next time! It's made me exhausted and icky. Whoops, got distracted. There we go, my first load of darks is in. I was advised by Amanda not to put my Tuque in the dryer. >> Anyways, they sorted out the whole 'discrepancy' with my driver's licence form thing. Hopefully it'll be in the mail soon and I'll get my real one. <3333>
We're having nachos for dinner tonight~ And it's mother's day soon. We all chipped in $20 for a breadmaker. I can't wait to go shopping in the states. All those clothes, books, accessories...
And my ear pierces at the top as well. Michelle and Daniel don't think it's a good idea, but oh well. I think it'll look good. It's not like I'm piercing my lip or tongue or anything. Geez.
Jessica and I are going to youth tomorrow; we haven't been there in awhile. Since I never got to go to that PJ party on Monday.. (I missed Amanda Falk! D; )
Tomorrow is Friday! Then the weekend! And I'm broke...I considered making a resume and going with Amanda to apply at the dell area, but I'm not so sure. I probably should. Le sigh~
I still have Math homework to do. I'll do it after dinner, along with my shower.
GAH! I looked at Rozefire's deviant art yesterday. I wish I could use photoshop like that. D; Oh well. Still want a tablet...I read this tutorial thing. xp Stupid layers.
Leila still owes me a coloured drawing for my birthday...
And Danh still has to give me my present as well. xD
Maybe I'll watch Spiderman 3 with him as an excuse to see him so I can get it. Lawl.
But anyways, dinner's soon so I better end this. Wish me luck with my HW, chores , and tests.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Sparkle" by Aesha

"Syaoran, you should believe in fairies," her words still play in his mind. "They only make your wish come true if you believe in them."

He watches as the petals fall off the cherry blossom tree, remembering how radiant her eyes used to be, and how beatific her smiles were.

Eleven years have gone by fleetingly since the day she left. She never came back from the plane like she promised.

I believe in fairies," he murmurs faintly to himself, hoping his wish will come true one day.
Although, he knows with all his heart...

She is never coming back.

Excerpts from "Of the Hourglass" by Aesha

Of the Hourglass

We can never turn back the pages of time;

Though we may wish to relive a happy moment

Or say good-bye just one last time,

We never can

Because the sands of time continue to fall,

And we can't turn the hourglass over.

Love is like a continually shattering mirror that always leaves behind images etched in people’s hearts; but it will itself remain a mystery forever. The heart has reasons that reason doesn't understand.

Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity; eternity can be the tick of a clock.

Or the sands of an hourglass.

Sometimes we let affection go unspoken. Sometimes we let our love go unexpressed. Sometimes we couldn't find words to tell our feelings, especially towards those we loved the best. And when we've lost that love, we ended up hoping for a second chance to make things right.
But life moved on...


Even now,
Love is the only word
that can describe
What I feel
for the person
Who knows me best.

But words are like snakes
Twisting themselves
around my heart.
How can I prove
how much you mean to me
When all Ihave is these.

I could say I'd die for you
But what good is that
When I'm still alive.
All I have is this emotion
that is without limits.

How blind I have been
To not see
That all I have
To offer you with
Is exactly what
I've had all along.

I love you.


A Piece of Paper by Julia Biggs

I saw this black piece of paper
And it looked
Kind of lonely,
Like it needed someone
To talk to.

So I started to talk.
I told it about
School and trivial things,
And my need
For someone to talk to,

And in return
It told me about trees
And Autumn
And hwere it had come from.

The paper looked sad
When it told me about the
Wind in the trees
And the coming of man
Who had felled the tree,
And I felt ashamed.

Then I got angry.
I had problems enough

I tore up the paper.
I tore up myself.


'The Book of Virtues' Page 567

"Can't" is a favourite word of some children. Here is the case against it.

Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs us of courage we need though the day:
It rings in our ears like a timely sent warning
And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.

Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror and halfhearted work;
It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
And makes of the toiler an indolent shirk.
It poisons the soul of a man vision,
It stifles in infancy many a plan;
It greeets honest toiling with open derision
And mocks at the hopes and the dreams of a man.

Can't is a word none should speak without blushin;
To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
It blights a man's purpose and shortens his am.
Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
Refuse it the lodgement it seeks in your brain;
Arm against it as a creature of terror,
And all that you dream of you someday shall gain.

Posters in English Class

"The geek shall inherit the earth."

"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character."

"Do you have your pencils? Your books? Your brain?"

Bart Simpson Poster~

"I will not instigate revolution. I will not encourage others to fly. I will not fake my way through life. I will not trade pants with others. Iwill not sell school property. I am not authorized to fire substitute teachers. Organ transplants are best left to the proffesionals. Beans are neither fruit, nor musical. I will not send lard though the mail. I will not hang donuts on my person. I do not have power of attorny over first graders. Never gas is not a toy. I will not mock Mrs. Dumbface. No one wants to hear my armpits. The boys room is not a water park. Wedgies are unhealthy for children and other living things. I will stop tlking about the 12-inch pianist. I will not belch the national anthem. I will not grease the monkey bars. I will not barf unless I'm sick. I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty. I will not conduct my own fire drills. I will not perscribe medication. A burmp is not an answer. I will not eat things for money. Goldfish don't bounce. No one is interested in my underpants. I will return the seeing-eye dog. The cafeteria deep fryer is not a toy . I will finish what I sta-"

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"The Five Stages of Grief" by Linda Pastan

The night I lost you
someone pointed me towards
the Five Stages of Grief.
Go that way, they said,
it's easy, like learning to climb
stairs after the amputation.
And so I climbed.
Denial was first.
I sat down at breakfast
carefully setting the table
for two. I passed you the toast-
you sat there. I passed
you the paper- you hid
behind it.
Anger seemed more familiar.
I burned the toast, snatched
the paper and read the headlines myself.
But they mentioned our departure,
and so I moved on to
Bargaining. What could I exchange
for you? The silence
after storms? My typing fingers?
Before I could decide, Depression
came puffing up, a poor relation
its suitcase tied together
with string. In the suitcase
were bandages for the eyes
and bottles of sleep. I slid
all the way down the stairs
feeling nothing.
And allthe time Hope
falshed on and off
in defective neon.
Hope was a signpost pointing
straight in the airl.
Hope was my uncle's middle name,
he died of it.
After a year I am still climbing,
though my feet slip
on oyur stone face.
The treeline
has long since disappeared;
green is a colour
I have forgotten.
But now I see what I am climbing
towards: Acceptance
written in capital letters,
a special headline:
its name in lights.
I struggle on,
waving and shouting.
Below, my whole life spreads its surf,
all the landscapes I've ever known
or dreamed of. Below
a fish jumps: the pulse
in your neck.
Acceptance. I finally
reach it.
But something is wrong.
Grief is a circular staircase.
I have lost you.

"Seven Days" by Gary Dunford

in the beginning,
man created the mudhole and the marsh
damming streams for viaducts
and routing waters for his own benefit
waters, white as crystal, moving through trenches
trickling through makeshift reed piping
splashing clean into clay bowls
bubbling to do man's bidding
and it was the morning and the evening of the first day
and the seagulls were dying

on the second day,
man created the slaughterhouse and the zoo
and the wild animals of the earth
which had wandered at will across the planet
watched man from behind wire mesh
scruffy lions with sad faces
and elephants, their bottoms calloused from sitting on cement
and it was the morning and the evening of the second day
and the seagulls were dying

on the third day,
the buffalo disappeared. simply disappeared.
and across the pampas
safaris, $495 per person, sought out exotic creatures
to mount in rec rooms or multiply in cages
and the ice floes ran red
and the jungle monkeys reeled in terror
and it was the morning and the evening of the third day
and the seagulls were dying

on the fourth day,
man created the sewer and sump
and pumps to pipe sewer to sump and sump to sewer at incredible
to nose and pocket
and the pumps pumped
and the sumps drained
and the sewers flowed
into creeks and lakes
and every drop of sewage makes
an ocean spreading across the world
the universal apocalypse
and it was the morning and the evening of the fourth day
and the seagulls were dying

on the fifth day,
man crated and canned atomic wastes
and made up the word megaton
packing the wastes in rusty old drums and concrete caissons
cramming biological uglies into old trains
that run on undetermined schedules
acorss the landscape
and somewhere, sunken tanks of arsenic
are cloaked in barnacles
and rust slowly in salt water
and now and then, on october afternoons
underground explosions occur
and smiling spokesman describe them as necessary and safe
while desert floors collapse
and islands tremble
and the smiling spokesman says
the san andreas fault
remains faultless
and it is the morning and the evening of the fifth day
and the seagulls are dying

on the sixth day,
man created the additive
which differed in name, but never in purpose
and was gleefully installed in cereals and fertilizers
soft drinks and cookies
field and bug sprays
creams and cosmetics
it was added to everything man ate or drank
was added to smokestacks
and sewage
and lakes
and eventually,
even the additives had additives
and counter-antidotes to combat the counter-pollutants
and even the experts gave up explaining
exactly what the additives were to accomplish
and it was the morning and the evening of the sixth day
and the seagulls were dying

on the seventh day,
there was quiet over all the earth
except for the lapping of waves
and the bubbling of storm drains
and the seagulls were dying
and the plankton
and the oceans
and the atmosphere
and the trees were dying
and man