Sunday, September 23, 2007


Well let's see.
I haven't typed out Thúy Vi's stuff yet...
But I will soon.

Still haven't done any of MY homework.
Need to get that Bio project done with Crislana.
Mmm...NEED to get pics of grade 8's for the divider for yearbook. xp
I got a good mark on my Chemistry test.
Sucky one on my bio [for not taking the notes and missing a day]
And that's about it. ;D

Saw Sidney White with Jess, DJ and Cam. It was okay.
Went to Langley to look in Michael's for materials with Crislana.
o; We caught soaked in the rain. >>
Talked to Michelle on the phone today. Joshua's dedication is coming up...
STILL have to do that background for Queen Mab...
Newspaper thing is at a standstill kind of for now...

I REALLY don't feel like doing anything right now.
If I procrastinate anymore I'm screwed.
As usual.

I still haven't gotten anywhere with White. -sigh- It's so good...
I need to stop eating so much bread. >>
And save more money.

I have under $500 again after this weekend. GAH.

Let's see...cut my hair again.
Couldn't find the red hair dye I was looking for for wacky hair day.
REALLY don't want to wear my PJ pants on Monday.
Forget Formal Day.
Still haven't asked Vanessa if I can borrow her shirt for Twin day...

Need to do that art for scarz on zantarni which I haven't been on in FOREVER.
Theyr'e probably pissed.

EDIT;; Oh yeah, and I went to the Salvation army and bought 3 new books and 3 new disney movies. Swan Princess, SinBad, annnddd....Hercules. Amanda got Jungle Book, Rescuers, and....something else.
They didn't have Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green. D; I don't think I'll ever find it agian.
Took the dog for a walk too.
OH. And Jessica came over and watched the Swan Princess with us. -nods-

Anywho, BYE.

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