Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PNE Interview and Tú's House

I got an interview tomorrow for the PNE at the Pacific Colesium. -sigh- I hope it goes okay. I figured out how to get there. Now if I can get home okay all will be well...
Got Thúy Vi's present (Half of it, anyways) and Michelle's today when I went to Tú's house after chores. (Ugh. Fencing)
She got a board game, but wasn't able to find twister.
I got that sonic jewellery cleaner....
Interview's at 4.
I got pulled around on a double footed scooter thing, and we switched turns and went around the neighbourhood a bit. Teresa also gave me a souviner penny that has baby Sylverster, and two postercards along with a HUGE mentos containter and a package of fruit mentos. Her mom took my towel. xp
She also gave me number....4? To the Bloody Jack series since she accidentally bought doubles. Loser.
OH well. I still have to finish number TWO! XD
Going to Michelle and Daniel's tomorrow night. They're supposed to pick me up around 9. Michelle's B-day tomorrow! I'll have to make a card before I go out to the interview. What should I draw? Hmmm....Must brainstorm.
Thuy Vi's party is next week. She's gonna have it at Newton. Lunch and a movie at the cheap theatres, YAYAY! :3 Sushi. Mmm.
Which reminds me, Teresa bought me chocolate. FAT. D; Kekeke.

I'm wearing her skinny jeans to the inteview.
She bought FIVE DOLLAR GUCCI GLASSES! And DIDN'T get me a pair! DDD:
Hers look really good on me too. xp (Wore them today when we went out shopping)
She got a cute top too. We watched "Definitely Maybe" at her house as well, but didn't get to finish it. Supper there was AWESOME. I ate rice with shrimp and squid. MMM. It was really good. I love seafood. :3
Have a twenty dollar library fine. xp Still have to figure out where exactly the SH library is for when my shift is on the 20th, I think. Heh.
Right now I'm reading fanfics, listening to my awesomal music....getting tired of killing Angry Hallis on TO. xp
Anyways, that's all for now I guess. Hmm.
TA~ <3
(Can't Hurry Love)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I HAD sushi for my party, lol. Maybe next time... I can do what Jenny did, invite two best friends and we can all eat Sushi together! My treat... or er--my father's actually, haha.