Sunday, November 2, 2008


It was Leila's Birthday yesterday~! We celebrated it Halloween night, though. Jenny made me a last minute cat costume. [Orange and black] It was quite funny. Leila was some sort of pirate, and Jenny Well she was wearing her corset over this old style puffy sleeved top and a skirt with boots. Like a "tavern wench", or something. But yeah.
WE WENT TRICK-OR-TREATING! Brandon refused to dress up, so in the end we forced him into a bunny costume that was WAY too small for him. He looked hilarious, though. It proved a great source of entertainment, especially the tail.
Jay was goth.
A few of the houses commented on how "aren't you too old for this?" HAH. NEVER.
Free candy is for all ages. 8D
Tú was the captain of the MILE HIGH CLUB. Yeah. I know, right? Only her. Hahah. She came as well.
We only went around for an hour. There were these amazing juice boxes in a bowl outside of one house. Kekeke. We were really thirsty too.
What else?
Behind in art. Stupid Kevin said he's caught up now, though. Unfair. xp His looks way better, of course, since I can't paint for crap.
Oh well. I hope I do better on the next project...
Eric's is amazing as usual.
I have to go to work now. I have more to say, but I dun wanna be late. -is walking-
Almost over my cold now. Poor Dana has bronchitis. D;


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