Sunday, June 29, 2008

"Healing You" by Scarren

Quote from Chapter 8

'These bandages, cover more than scrapes
Cuts and bruises from
Regrets and mistakes.'



"Stuck in the middle"

-by MIKA

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Yay! I was finally able to find the right pink colour. (I was too lazy to look for it earlier and just selected out of the default colours.) They need something easier than HTML for people like me. Kekeke.
I had to get up early this morning to do the garbage, but that's okay. I needed to do my laundry and such anyways before I hang out with Dana. O; I still need to eat. Hmm. Must not eat White Cheddar Macaroni again. My fanfic STILL haven't updated. -sigh- Neither have manga. I'm trying to look for old fanfics that I haven't read yet in Inuyasha. Going through some Sessh/Rin pairing ones. O; I ish broke AGAIN. xp It really sucks. I need bigger paychecks. Hahah. I think I'll test Teresa's skinny jeans today with my flats. Finally was able to get that makeup off. Eww. Aww. Puppers is outside sleeping and looking so cute curled up. I'm just blabbing on and on, I know. I really should start using my tablet again to draw. Then I can post some of my stuff here to look at. That is, once I learn how to colour decently....xp Major weakness. Anywho that's all for now. Toodles, kiddies. -Che

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Regarding old blogs~

I just added a new thing to my side menu that links up my other two blogs I made here long ago. xp
I've edited them all so they all link up to each other. ;D That way you (And I) can never get lost!
And this way I'll always be able to look back to my other blogs if I forget the URL or sign in...
So feel free to browse those as well.
Lots of poems and such on the older ones.


MAKE-UP && Love Guru

Teresa and DJ dragged me to go see Love Guru. (I personally would have rather watched the Incredible Hulk. Outvoted. -sigh-
Anyways, it was funny if you like crude, perverted humor. They've partially corrupted me but I still think they appreciated it more than I did. Is that a good thing?
Afterwards, we went to the mall and I got flip flops. o; Everyone did, actually. Teresa also got a couple of nice new tops. DJ admitted to being socially akward without us. HAHAHAHA.
Then Teresa dragged me into MAC and forced makeup upon me. Blush, Mascara, Eyeshadow, coeverup the whole she-bang. Ugh. It was slightly painful. But she insisted I looked like a girl with it instead of some lost orphan. (She has something against my hat)
Anyways, they tried to take pictures but failed and then we went to the barn after since DJ's mom had to put the horses in.
Teresa seemed really excited. Apparently she's never rode a horse and was kinda wary of them AND the chickens. It was kind of amusing.
I didn't get home until much later than planned, but oh well. We had fun and I got my library book back and borrowed skinny jeans from Teresa to wear with my flats. xp
I also dropped by Black Bond Books and said hello to Christina? She said to keep the name tag. Hahah.
I'm broke again. AS USUAL. xp And Teresa thinks SHE'S poor at $500. Hah. Funny.
Anyways, that's all I guess. Still haven't gone on TO...poor Harry. D; Hope he doesn't think I'm avoiding him.
Dana's tomorrow and then the beach Friday maybe. I hear Janelle's going and I want to take the opportunity to hang out with her since she's so busy these days.


"Word of God Speak"

"I'm finding myself at a loss for words; and the funny thing is, it's okay."

Song has been stuck in my head for AGES. XD <3


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

You're Never Alone

Tap. Tap.
Just going on our way.
That was close.
Taptap. Tap.
Picking up the pace.
Ouch. We headed right into that one.
It's hard to get back up.
I'm not sure if I can go as fast now...
Tap. Tap.
Please don't fall again...
Oh, there's someone behind me.
What's this? They have the same scars I do.
I see. They've fallen a lot. More than me.
How can they do that so easily?
Oh no. I don't think I can go as fast as you...not anymore.
Tap. Tap. Stumble. Taptap.
This is kinda of scary. But...
I'm not alone anymore.
Hahah. Even if I fall, they'll be with-
Oh. I fell hurts more now.
Get back up? But why. There's no point.
This is too hard for me. You're wasting your time.
I'm not like you. You're stronger.
Right. Together. It's not as hard then.
I can do this. You're witih me, right?
Taptaptap. Taptaptap.
It's fine. I don't have to be scared all the time.
You know what it's like. You won't leave me.
In the good times and bad.
You're right here.


I figured it was high time for an update since I had nothing better to do. Hahah. XD
It's gotten off to a pretty fast start actually. My Socials provincial is over and now I'm right into summer after just getting back from a short trip to the cabin today. Laura came this time as well as Amy. (This girl Vanessa has to look after until her mom gets back)
No baby fish to catch yet, unfortunately. More smors. Yum. Puppers is getting old! You can totally tell now, especially up at the cabin. We took the jeep up the logging roads and shot a few ronds. I think I got one that actually hit the target. Hahah. I don' really take aim very carefully...
I drove a standard for the first time! The hardest part is getting going. Shifting from 1st to 2nd (Which is all that I've done so far) is way easier than getting going after stopping. Ugh. I must've stalled like 5 times. Oh well. It was fun-ish.
Amy was completely enamoured with the gopher whatever things we have up at the cabin everywhere. She was watching them constantly. It was quite amusing. She's a fellow gaian and anime dork. 8D
I BOUGHT A SUMMER DRESS. FOr $20 at Sirens. (Which I NEVER SHOP AT by the way.) Thuy Vi and I were waiting for the bus and had 15 minutes, so I dropped by a few stores and saw it. It's really simple; Black and white flower design goes right above my knees. No frills or anything, with that wide elastic waist thing. Kinda of low neckline but it has adjustable spaghetti straps! So it's all good~
Thuy Vi and I rented two movies and watched them at my house onnn Friday. O; She couldn't come to youth but oh well. We still had a lot of fun and she was in a good mood 3 days in a row! o; We were both overjoyed. She picked the movies. >> The Eye and The Orphanage. I need some comedy/romances now to balance it out. xp
(Random thought: I think Vanessa's glasses help me see better than mine. Uh-oh)
I finally copied Tales of Earthsea from Teresa. Her birthday party was interesting on the 5th of June. Jenny, Chris, Brandon and I all ran through the water park area in Teresa's neighbourhood and got soaked. It was fun. (Teresa was not impressed. xp) We DID, however, get her a pink DS which Jenny, Cameron, Thuy Vi and I all chipped in for. A couple of other people got her some pokemon game and Cooking Mama. She was certainly happy. Too bad I couldn't go with her and her family to California. That was disappointing. She was going to get me a DS for the trip so I didn't annoy her while she slept. (Or attempted to Hahah)
Oh well. I'll get on eventually~ Baby Blue. o;
Trying to look for another job for the summer since I dont' get enough hours at the library. Though, I would probably go insane working like 20 hours a week there anyways. It's pretty boring. But it pays well, so meh.
What else?
There was Joshua's 1st Birthday, Cameron's going to some camp thing for the summer, Janelle's as busy as usual, still have to have a girl's night with Jessica...
HIKARU GOT A BOYFRIEND. Brown guy. Seems nice from what she tells me. A shocker, I know. This is "HIKARU" we're talking about. We were screaming over the phone for about an hour. Hopefully I'll hang out with her Thursday and maybe sleep over and have DDR marathon. O; But yeah. That was pretty big news. She says she loves him. I was Just wow. But good for her. I sincerely hope everything works out. :3But you know I really just want my chicken and asian rice. ;D Lawl. JK. ILY HIKARU.
Laura's over right now across from me over on the other computer. O;
Still have to read Meg Cabot's new book "Airhead" Hmm.
According to Steve we pick up report cards Thursday. O.o I hope I kept my B in Math. I'm in DANCE NEXT YEAR. With Thuy Vi and Kha Tu. I know, right? I sense many humiliating moments ahead. Pray for me. xp (The things I do for my friends and my stupid required 80 hours)
I also took Drawing and Painting. They say I have Ms. Muti, but Mr. Egan says she doesn't teach that, he does. I hope he's right. No offence to Ms. Muti, but I do like Mr. Egan better...stupid yearbook. xD (Cam's Chief next year. Poor Thuy VI XDD)
I'm joining Student council next year as well. O; I think it'll be fun. I'll try to be RESPONSIBLE. And really keep my grades as well.
Math 12. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Still thinking about the whole teaching English as a second language in South Korea. I don't have the time to Learn to read/write Japanese. Korean is easier to write/read.
Japanese letters can be so complicated and numerous. It would take me forever to learn. Even though I would make more money in Japan....
TRICKSTER! Yes, of course. I'm playing TO now with Thuy Vi and Harry. They totally got me addicted. Retards. XD <3>