Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Science and Christmas Drama, etc~

I haven't written in awhile, so an update is in dire need!
First of all, it smells. UGH.
Vanessa just finished painting the bathroom, and it reeks! -plugs nose-
I just finished watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, even though I didn't make it to the end of the movie. It seemed pretty long, and I started to yawn. I was watching it in Amanda's room. xp I'm surprised at how much older Dick Van Dyke is in this movie compared to Mary Poppins!
Daniella was over tonight to do the video for Biology. African Sleeping Disease/Sickness. It's the crappiest, shortest video I've ever seen. Oh well. We'll have a crappy poster to go along with it. (Once I find a glue stick...)
I was over at Daniella's yesterday too, but we didn't get anything done because we thought Crislana was coming over. She got held up though, so I ended up playing the doctor role instead of her. I found out that Daniella lives quite close! Hahah.
Yearbook is going UGH. I'll have to get some more pictures for my art page and such. I don't know what's happening with the mug pages that I have...oh well.
I hope I don't get yelled at too much for my report card. I got my Biology mark up! I just need to work on that Chemistry project that was due Monday...we just had test, too. Now we're going onto the essay unit in English. Ugh. I almost wish for Shakespear again. Lawl. Even if it WAS kinda...dull.
I've done some Christmas shopping, and all I have left is the three sisters and Marlene. I would've had Laura done, but she went out and bought the thing we got her. -sigh-
Golden Compass is coming out on December 7th! I hope they did a better job of it than Eragon. Ughhhh. That was crappy.
I finished reading Valiant. It was quite different than Tithe, but still pretty good! I really want to read Iron side. I even found out that Extras, the FOURTH book to the uglies TRILOGY, (Yeah, I know.) was good too. Even if Tally wasn't the main character this time...she gets back together with David! I bought the two latet Fruits Basket books. Now I just have to save up some money...I got paid yesterday! Hm. Maybe I'll have $300 now if I'm lucky? Hah. And Thuy Vi STILL Has to give me back my diary...
AND I need to get my sketchbook back from Mr. Egan. GAH. -shot-
I went back to gaia! Stupid, I know. Oh well. Jenny finally got her anklets back since skittles gave them to her. And I actually BOUGHT MC's!! I know. -smacks head- Hopefully I won't be tempted again. A waste of money, but at the time I was so happy. I could've bought 2 books with that...
I really need to upload the Aquarium pictures from my camera so I can delete everything. UGh. I LOST the pictures from Halloween and my grandma's place! -sobs- I totally deleted them by accident!
Danh visited the school last Friday. Hah. That was interesting.
Tu got an interview at the Face Shop in Central City! I don't think they've called her back yet, but I hope she gest the would be nice to see her more out of school.
I still want to see Passion of the Christ one day soon...
I tried to read my bible, and read a bit of the book Daniel. The pastor makes it SO much easier to understand. I hadn't realized how difficult the Bible was to read until now. WOOSH! Over the head. xp And I suppose I'll be going across the street tomorrow at lunch for our meeting. I wonder what snacks Ms. Green will bring this time? o; Kekeke.
I should remember to bring Dana the fruits basket and her Obsession back. The first Ted Dekker book I wasn't hooked on. I REALLY want to read Thr3e though! Blahh.
I got some new jeans at Urban behaviour, and Winners. I was supposed to have one more from UB, but they fit Vanessa. (Even though they were the same size as the other 2. xp) Oh well. She seems to like them, so that's more money I've saved. Hahah. Although on the day of the salke, that store was a made house in Metrotown. REAL shopping. (Or more like digging)
I can't think of what to say now...and I thought there was so much, too! I'll remember it afterwads, probably. Figures.
Anyways, I guess that's all for now then. I'll do another entry if something else pops in my head.
Bye bye~


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