Sunday, December 30, 2007

At long last!

I have finally obtained a tablet~ <3
Now all I have to do is find a way to get photoshop on the computer. xD

Cheryl is happy.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Janelle Essay Inc.

Orphan Pinochle says: Hey, what's this page all about? *twitch* ARE YOU LOOKING AT SAFE THINGS!? *twitch* I sure hope you are.

All About Janelle
You can know a person for most of your life, and stil not really "know" them. Simple questions that people ask you about your friends like "What’s their favourite food?", or "Where were they born?", seem to stump a lot of us. This really shows that people seem to forget about the little things when it comes to their friends. A lot of the time, we’re quite ignorant of their past and most of the people in their life. People always enjoy telling all their friends their life stories, because a lot of people don’t know it. Recently, I’d discovered that Janelle, a friend of mine, had many things about here that I didn’t know.
Like most life stories, I’m going to start at the beginning: The major events start when Janelle was born on October 14, 1991. Incidentally, her bother gave birth to her in their very house, right in the bathroom. One of the facts of her history that many of her friends are actually aware of, is that her parents were (or are?) hippies. When she was three years old, her dad built a house which they lived in for a few years until her parents got a divorce. Janelle says that at such a young age, it didn’t affect her too much. A bit into the future, she was only six years old when she fell back on her chair and landed smack dab on a hard surface and cracked her head open. The scars are still visible on her scalp if you know where to look. However, that didn’t seem to put back Janelle at all, as she was off to Disney land at eight years old. However, things started going a bit downhilll when it came to her new mom’s boyfriend, Ray. Apparently, he has psychosis and didn’t take being dumped very well. From Janelle’s tenth to thirteenth year, he stalked her and her mom until she finally got a new boyfriend. Her experiences have certainly been varied!
Everyone has people in their life that have influenced them. The people that are close to you help shape who you are today. For Janelle,

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Not as I do by Alaena Night

Chapter from: Snippets and Snapshots

Notes: Because I was thinking that Knives is right. Poor Vash really is one big contradiction in some ways.


Do as I say, not as I do.

It's a phrase that fits him so well. He says that people shouldn't be alone, and yet the isolation he forces on himself is the most painful sort of loneliness. He says, "Settle down," but has damned himself to a life of wandering. He protects innocence even as his own burns away with his agonized tears.

"Don't cry," he says...but I hear him at night.

To him, suicide is a horrible thing, yet it's his body that takes the bullets for those he tries to protect, his life that is torn away with each passing year. He always says that the ticket to the future is blank. Why, then, does his past control his life?

Forgive, he says, and yet each of his sins is a knife that cuts away at his heart.

I know he smiles...and I know that he does look toward the future, but the pains he forces himself to bear make me want to take them for him and hold them no matter the weight. To work together and to share one's burdens—though that man encourages both, he exercises neither.

"Love and Peace!" he says, but he denies them to himself in order to give them to others.

I love him, yet I hate him for what he's doing to himself. All I can do is watch as he smiles his empty smiles and as the light of life fades from his eyes.